SyncShow B2B Marketing Blog / Website Design & Development

What You Need to Know About the WP Engine and WordPress Dispute

WP Engine vs. WordPress Dispute

Just last week, a rift between WP Engine and WordPress made waves in the tech world. If you’re unfamiliar, WP Engine is a leading managed hosting provider for WordPress, powering thousands of websites. WordPress is the most popular content management system (CMS) on the web, powering …

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Beyond Trends: Crafting Timeless B2B Websites for 2024 and Beyond

It's the end of the year, which means your inbox and social feeds are full of the usual yearly trends and prediction roundups. This is not one of those articles. Hot take – SyncShow does not subscribe to trends. Instead, we believe in tried and true, data-driven best practices. So, al …

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Google’s New Speed Update Could Kill Your Business Online: Core Web Vitals Versus the World Wide Web

Google’s up to it again. The search giant is forcing website and business owners to make the Internet faster or suffer the consequences. For years now, Google has been beating the drums of a faster online experience and placing the onus at the feet of you, the business owner.

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Designing Every Touchpoint of Your Customer's Journey

Thumbnails of Content Design on a Desk

What's the first thing people see when they search for your business? Is it your logo? Your website? Maybe they found you through a social post?

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You Used Social Media to Increase Website Traffic to Your B2B Website—Now What?

You followed social media best practices to increase site traffic, but your site conversions are still low. What gives? B2B usability design (or B2B UX) may be the issue. As consumers in the B2B space continue to make more purchasing decisions online, B2B companies need to ensure thei …

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4 Visual Elements to Help Strengthen Your Brand Awareness Strategy


Building brand awareness needs a strong visual identity. How do you identify your brand from your competitors? People are visual creatures and thus more likely to remember visuals better than text. When done right, these four visual elements will help to strengthen your brand awarenes …

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SyncShow Helps Cylinder Manufacturer Revamp Their Digital Presence Through Rebranding and a New Website


Overview B&H Machine, Inc. (B&H) is a third-generation hydraulic and pneumatic cylinder manufacturer. Founded in 1951, B&H started its operations as a producer of tooling and fixture designs for the Army, Navy and Air Force, in addition to production machining for the auto …

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