SyncShow B2B Marketing Blog / Inbound Marketing

Strategy Before Tactics, What It Means and Why It Matters

If you've ever played sports or been part of a competitive team, you know what it's like to face an opponent who seems to know every move you're going to make before you even make it. For a game like chess, preparing for a match with a well-thought-out strategy is the difference betwe …

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6 Reasons Why Social Media Works for B2B Marketing

Social Media Emojis

In today’s modern world, we’re all connected by screens. Whether you’re using a phone, tablet or laptop, it’s easier than ever to see what someone is doing halfway across the world (and see what they had for breakfast for that matter). You can thank social media for that.

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8 Tips for Creating an Iconic Social Media Marketing Strategy

What’s a Social Media Marketing Strategy? A social media marketing strategy is essentially a summary of everything you desire to achieve on social media and how you plan to do it. Your strategy guides your actions and lets you know whether you’re hitting or missing your goals. Creatin …

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You Used Social Media to Increase Website Traffic to Your B2B Website—Now What?

You followed social media best practices to increase site traffic, but your site conversions are still low. What gives? B2B usability design (or B2B UX) may be the issue. As consumers in the B2B space continue to make more purchasing decisions online, B2B companies need to ensure thei …

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Communication is the Cornerstone of B2B Sales and Marketing Alignment

 B2B Sales and Marketing Alignment Gears

What B2B Marketers Can Learn from Cool Hand Luke “What we’ve got here is failure to communicate” is probably the most repeated and memorable line from Paul Newman’s 1967 film “Cool Hand Luke.” What’s that got to do with B2B sales and marketing alignment? A lot.

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5 Things to Know When Aligning Your Sales and Marketing Strategies

Many executives and decision-makers look at marketing as an expense rather than an investment. Now’s the time to put this assumption to bed. Unfortunately, many opt to cut their marketing budgets before realizing that marketing and sales go hand in hand.

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3 Inbound Marketing Tips to Increase Brand Awareness


For any business to grow and thrive, there has to be a constant stream of potential customers gaining regular and frequent exposure to the business. It doesn’t matter how amazing your product or service is, if no one knows who you are, what you do and why you do it better than the com …

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