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Content Marketing Strategies & Tactics for B2B Industrial Companies: Boosting Engagement and Leads

Content marketing is a powerful tool used to provide information and education to a target audience, foster trust, and establish a brand as a thought leader. For industrial companies, harnessing the power of content marketing isn’t just a trend—it's a necessity. Unlike B2C, industrial companies often operate in niche markets, and frequently, the decision-making process is longer and more complex.

Content marketing offers valuable information that educates and engages these niche markets, simplifying and potentially shortening customer decision-making.

Impactful industrial content marketing drives meaningful and profitable actions, transforming B2B buyers into engaged prospects and loyal clients.

The Need for Industrial/Manufacturing Content Marketing

According to the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), the primary goal content marketing helps manufacturing marketers achieve is creating brand awareness. Building credibility and trust came in second. However, the same survey reports that only 25% of manufacturers said their company was very successful with content marketing, and only 30% of marketers feel they use their web and social content effectively. Based on this study, there's a significant opportunity to better leverage digital content marketing to drive business results. 

Challenges and Benefits of Industrial Content Marketing

Industrial companies face unique challenges in content marketing. Product and service complexity demands a sophisticated approach to creating content that resonates with a specialized audience. Additionally, content must address pain points and showcase expertise.

Industrial content marketing doesn't have to be a dry, academic read reminiscent of a technical research paper. The best content attracts and engages readers by delivering relevant and valuable product information in dynamic and accessible ways.

By leveraging content marketing strategies tailored to their industry, industrial companies can differentiate themselves, demonstrate thought leadership, and cultivate stronger relationships. Read more about the benefits of content marketing in our blog, 5 Benefits of Having a Content Marketing Strategy.  

In this article, we'll explore the types of content most effective for industrial companies, such as case studies, how-to guides, and technical articles. Understanding the best ways to research and develop these content forms will help marketers leverage industrial content marketing strategies and tactics that deliver results. 

Types of Content That Resonate with Industrial Audiences

Creating material that stands out is a significant challenge for industrial marketers. According to the CMI survey, over half of companies (51%) struggle to produce content that delivers value beyond the typical sales pitch. This statistic highlights a critical issue for the industrial sector. It must move past traditional, sales-oriented content and engage target audiences at every stage of the buying process. In this section, we'll explore various content types that help industrial marketers break through the noise of a competitive market and effectively engage their audiences.

White Papers

White papers are the gold standard for companies that want to establish themselves as authorities. Unlike blog posts or web content, white papers include in-depth, technical information that addresses complex issues, presents research findings, or offers detailed solutions to industry-specific challenges. They allow companies to display expertise, provide detailed insights into their products or services, and validate their understanding of industry trends and challenges.

White papers offer a high level of credibility and thought leadership for an audience accustomed to data-driven decision-making.

They deliver the technical specifications and long-term value-added information that impact a B2B purchasing decision. This positions the company as a knowledgeable partner capable of solving intricate customer problems.

Structuring White Papers for Maximum Impact

In general, white papers are structured in a problem-solution framework like this one:

  • Title: Start with a clear and engaging title that reflects the problem the white paper will address.
  • Executive Summary: The executive summary should contain a concise overview of the main points, conclusions, and recommendations.
  • Introduction: Set the stage by outlining the problem or challenge in everyday terms that readers will understand and relate to. Explain why it's significant and provide context that makes the topic relevant.
  • Problem Statement: Dive deeper into the specific problem or challenge. Use data, statistics, and real-world examples to convey the scope and impact of the issue.
  • Solution: Present the company's products or services as the solution to the problem. Include detailed explanations, diagrams, and case studies to support the proposed solution
  • Methodology: Showcase the company's technical knowledge and unique insights by illustrating the methodology behind research and outcomes.
  • Benefits and Impact: Highlight the solution's benefits and potential impact on the target audiences. Use quantitative data and qualitative insights to demonstrate how this approach improves efficiency, reduces costs, or enhances performance. Reinforce the product's or service's unique value proposition.
  • Conclusion and Call to Action: Summarize the findings and restate the significance of the product or service as the solution. Include a strong call to action, such as contacting the company for more information or scheduling a consultation. Make it easy for readers to take the next step.
  • Appendices and References: Include additional data, findings, or references supporting the white paper's information. This section adds credibility and provides readers with resources for further reading.

A well-crafted white paper can be valuable for fostering a reputation as a thought leader, driving conversions, and nurturing long-term customer relationships.

Case Studies

While white papers follow a strict problem/solution framework, case studies are often story-based. They offer practical, real-world examples of how a specific challenge was addressed, highlighting the efficacy of solutions through detailed accounts and actual outcomes. They are narrative and descriptive, aimed at demonstrating results and building credibility.

Case studies use customer experiences to show potential clients the benefits of a company's solutions. In essence, they are a compelling B2B form of social proof. 

Tips for Creating Compelling Case Studies

  • Select Relevant Stories: Choose stories that are closely aligned with the target audience's needs and interests and highlight the important features of the product or service. Opt for examples where the solution had a significant impact. The more relevant the case study, the more persuasive it’ll be to potential clients.
  • Gather Comprehensive Data: Collect detailed information about the client's experience, including background context, challenges faced, solutions implemented, and results achieved. Include leading metrics such as cost savings, performance improvements, and other quantifiable benefits.
  • Craft a Compelling Narrative: Structure the case study to tell a compelling real-life story. Start with an introduction that outlines the client’s situation and the challenges they faced. Describe the solution provided, emphasizing the approach and methodologies used. Conclude with the outcomes and benefits, supported by data and client testimonials.
  • Use Data Visualizations: Incorporate charts, graphs, and other data visualizations to illustrate complex information in an easily consumable format. Visual aids help highlight results and make the case study more engaging.
  • Include Client Quotes: Testimonials add credibility and offer a personal touch. Feature quotes from clients highlighting their satisfaction with the solution and its impact on their operations.
  • Maintain Confidentiality and Accuracy: Ensure that any sensitive information is handled with care and that the company has permission from clients to share their data. Accuracy is crucial, so double-check all facts and figures before publishing.

For more information on writing impactful case studies, check out our blog post, Crafting Impactful B2B Narratives: A Guide to Showing Value Through Case Studies. 

Well-crafted case studies can prove expertise and provide valuable insights into a solution's practical benefits, generating new clients and informing their purchase decisions.

How-to Guides

How-to guides are invaluable tools in industrial content marketing. Their appeal lies in their practical, step-by-step approach, which provides readers with clear and actionable instructions.

How-to guides can explain how products function, the best practices for using a product, or implementing a product into an existing workflow. The content breaks down product complexities into manageable steps. This simplification helps demystify technical aspects, making products or processes more accessible to decision-makers who may not be the end users.

In addition, practical guides offer immediate value by delivering actionable advice. Readers appreciate content that helps them solve specific problems or achieve particular tasks. By addressing common challenges or questions, how-to guides can elevate the overall user experience.

Best Practices for Creating How-to Guides

To develop informative and engaging how-to guides, follow best practices that display relevance, clarity, and usability. 

  • Clear and Concise Instructions: Instructions should be easy to understand. Avoid technical language or jargon unless necessary. Use simple, direct language, and break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable steps.
  • Visual Aids: Incorporate images, diagrams, or screenshots to complement the instructions. Visual aids can help clarify steps, illustrate processes, and enhance comprehension.
  • Step-by-Step Format: Organize content in a logical, step-by-step format. Numbered or bulleted lists are best for presenting sequential instructions. Make each step clear and actionable. Add tips or warnings to prevent common mistakes.
  • Interactive Elements: Include checklists, downloadable templates, or video demonstrations where possible. These tools can make the guide more engaging and provide additional value to the reader.
  • Test and Revise: Before publishing, ask task owners or subject matter experts to review the guide for accuracy. In addition, test the guide with a sample of the target audience for clarity and efficacy. Gather feedback and revise to address issues or gaps in the instructions.
  • Include a Summary or Conclusion: At the end of the guide, include a summary or conclusion to reinforce critical points and next steps. This recap encourages readers to take action based on what they've learned.

By creating practical how-to guides, industrial marketers can educate and empower their target audience to take actionable steps with confidence.

Technical Articles

In-depth technical articles demonstrate industry knowledge and thought leadership with detailed analysis, insights, and solutions. This content goes beyond the typical SEO keyword search and digs deeper into a topic or problem. 
Manufacturing processes and technologies can be intricate and technical. Technical articles educate an audience about these complexities, helping them understand the intricacies of a product or service. This educational approach can attract a more informed and engaged customer.

 Balancing Technical Detail with Readability

While technical articles highlight expertise, balancing technical detail with readability makes the content accessible and engaging. Here's how to achieve this balance:

  • Know the Audience: Understand the technical awareness level of the target audience. Tailor the depth of technical detail accordingly—more technical for industry experts and less for a general audience.
  • Use Clear and Concise Language: Avoid overly complex jargon and technical terms unless necessary. When using specialized terminology, provide definitions or explanations for clarity. Keep sentences and paragraphs concise to maintain readability.
  • Organize Content Clearly: Structure the article with an introduction, body, and conclusion. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to break up text and highlight crucial points. This helps readers navigate the content and grasp important information more easily.
  • Include Visuals: Incorporate charts, graphs, and diagrams to illustrate technical concepts. Ensure that visuals are relevant to the content.

Technical articles offer valuable insights and solutions beyond basic product or service information. They set a company apart from competitors by educating and engaging a more informed audience. 

Videos and Webinars

Videos are identified as a top trend for B2B content marketing in 2024. For manufacturers,  videos are the most-often type of content produced and the content that delivers the best results. Virtual events or webinars are also very popular with industrial marketers. 

Because humans respond to images better than text, videos and webinars offer dynamic ways to engage an audience and provide valuable content by showcasing products, processes, and technologies in action. This type of content helps potential customers visualize the product’s or service’s functionality and its benefits, creating a better overall understanding.

Live webinars can include real-time interaction with an audience, allowing for live Q&A sessions, discussions, and feedback. After the webinar is completed, it lives on as an informative and accessible how-to video for potential and existing customers to view as needed. 

Tips for Producing High-Quality Videos and Engaging Webinars

To maximize the impact of video and webinar content, follow these best practices for clarity, engagement, and results:

  • Plan and Script: Outline key points, prepare visual aids, and practice the delivery to maintain a professional and polished presentation.
  • Invest in Quality Production: Use high-quality recording equipment and software to produce professional videos and webinars. Good lighting, sound, and video resolution maintain viewer engagement and convey a professional image.
  • Keep It Concise and Focused: Ensure that videos and webinars are concise and focused on specific topics. Avoid overwhelming viewers with too much information. Aim for a structured format with an engaging introduction, informative content, and a strong conclusion.
  • Include Interactive Elements: Incorporate polls, live Q&A sessions, and discussion segments in webinars. These features can increase engagement and provide real-time feedback from the audience.

Videos and webinars are powerful drivers of meaningful product interactions for potential customers. They also display manufacturing capabilities and the benefits of working with your company.

No matter the type of content used for industrial marketing, it must address the specific needs of a target audience, demonstrate expertise, and foster strong, trust-based relationships.

However, creating content isn’t the end of the story. To ensure that a piece of content marketing is delivering the desired outcomes, it's essential to measure and analyze performance.

In the next section, we'll explore how to measure industrial content strategies, including key metrics to track. 

Measuring Industrial Content Strategies and Tactics

Of the 75% of manufacturing marketers who actively measure their content marketing efforts, about 73% say that website traffic and engagement provide the most insights into performance. About 55% say conversions are their best measurement, and 42% mention search results. Of course, the most relevant metrics will depend on the company’s goals. In this section, we'll review the tools and metrics most often used to measure success in industrial content marketing.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics tracks and analyzes the performance of content marketing on a website. By featuring detailed insights into traffic sources, user behavior, and engagement metrics, Google Analytics helps marketers understand how website visitors find and interact with content and identify areas for improvement.

Key Metrics to Track

  • Page Views: Measure the number of times a piece of content is viewed to gauge its popularity with site visitors.
  • Unique Users: Track the number of individual users or visitors to a content page as a measure of the content’s overall reach.
  • Time on Page: Assess how long visitors stay on a content page to understand engagement levels.
  • Bounce Rate: Monitor the percentage of visitors who leave after viewing only one page to evaluate content effectiveness.
  • Source: Indicates the origin of traffic (e.g., Google, Facebook, email) to a piece of content.
  • Medium: Describes the type of traffic source (e.g., organic, CPC, referral) to a piece of content. 

Setting Up and Interpreting Goals and Conversions

Set clear goals and track conversions to evaluate marketing content. Define the criteria for a successful conversation, such as completing a form, downloading a piece of content, or watching a video.

Google Analytics then tracks how often these actions occur and provides detailed reports on completion events, conversion paths, and user behavior, helping marketers assess their content strategies.

HubSpot Metrics

When using HubSpot tools, HubSpot's Marketing Analytics and Dashboard Software simplify data management by providing a unified view of all insights and metrics from a single location.

Attribution reporting in HubSpot analyzes how marketing content influences the decisions of leads and customers. It features insights into how interactions (emails, ads, social media posts, and website visits) contribute to achieving goals like downloads, form submissions, sales, or other conversions.

Attribution reporting helps marketers link every customer interaction to corresponding records and revenue. This makes applying insights to various segments, campaigns, and workflows easy, ensuring better-informed industrial content marketing strategies.

Key Metrics to Track

  • Content Performance: Review performance reports to understand which pieces of content are most effective.
  • Audience Insights: Analyze audience behavior and preferences to refine content strategy.
  • Lead Generation: Monitor the number of leads generated through content to assess its efficacy in driving interest.
  • Engagement Rates: Track metrics like email open rates, click-through rates, and social shares to evaluate content engagement

ROI (Return on Investment) Analysis

A Content Marketing Institute survey reports that more than half (55%) of manufacturing marketers have well-informed insights from content marketing but lack measurement data showing ROI. A full 17% admit they’ve little to no insight into their ROI. 

Measuring ROI provides concrete evidence of the value generated from content. This data can guide decision-making and resource allocation. It also shows the C-suite the tangible benefits and necessity of investing in content marketing strategies.

Content is an Indispensable Marketing Tool

As we've explored in this article, content marketing addresses the unique needs of industrial audiences by providing valuable, relevant information that educates and builds trust. 

Content strategies and tactics present an opportunity to stand out in a niche market. A range of content types—from white papers and case studies to how-to guides and technical articles—can attract a target audience looking for a company’s unique value proposition. 

SyncShow is an expert in creating thoughtful, goal-driven content marketing strategies for manufacturers that deliver results. Let us help you start your industrial content marketing journey today. Contact us today to schedule a discovery call. 

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