ScoreFeeder Gets Embedded App and User-Focused Improvements
by Chris Peer on Sun, Feb 05, 2012 @ 04:00, the web application for high school sport scores and stats originally developed by SyncShow Interactive for ScoreFeeder, LLC. (the creation of Founder, Dave Petno, of Hudson, Ohio), is expanding with it’s newly launched Syndication System. The system allows third part …
Lineweaver Financial Group Website Launch
by Chris Peer on Mon, Jan 30, 2012 @ 04:00
Another Successful Launch for the SyncShow Interactive Team! One of Northeast Ohio's most respected financial advisory firms, Lineweaver, turned to SyncShow Interactive in search of a more user-friendly software for their website. The new site, launched on January 26, 2012, will make …
SyncShow Launches RBB System's New Website
by Chris Peer on Mon, Jan 30, 2012 @ 04:00
RBB Systems specializes in small batch custom electronic assemblies and electrical control panels, so it seemed only fitting that their home page display three interesting circuit boards. Launched on Thursday, January 26, 2012, the new website will showcase some of their skills, as we …
Gallagher Museum Planning and Design Firm Website Launch
by Chris Peer on Mon, Jan 16, 2012 @ 04:00
Mobile-Friendly Website Launch for National Museum Gallagher is a nationally recognized museum planning and design firm with offices in Washington, D.C., San Francisco and Singapore. Before they discovered SyncShow Interactive, Gallagher was using an old flash-based website that was n …
Why Traveling to New Mexico can Make the Difference in Business.
by Chris Peer on Mon, Nov 14, 2011 @ 04:00
What can New Mexico do for Your Business? Have you ever had a problem that no matter how hard you worked at it, and no matter how much you sweated it out, you just couldn't solve it? Then, you walked away for a moment to clear your mind and poof, all of the answers flowed out like wat …
Facebook Application Development
by Chris Peer on Wed, May 25, 2011 @ 05:00
Before I start telling you about how SyncShow Interactive builds Facebook Applications, I had better explain what a Facebook Application is. Avid Facebook users feel free to skip this paragraph. A Facebook application could be anything from Mafia Wars, Farmville, YouTube or an applica …
Before Website Development, Think Brand
by Chris Peer on Mon, May 23, 2011 @ 05:00
The process of web design and web development revolves around your brand. After all, you can't build a cohesive online marketing strategy with a website that doesn't match your corporate identity. So before beginning a website development project, it's important to take a look at your …