B2B Digital Marketing Blog | SyncShow

5 Inbound Marketing Blogs You Should Read

Written by Danielle Ellerhorst | Thu, Aug 27, 2015 @ 03:55

The Internet is full of information about content marketing, inbound marketing and lead generation. After all, the definition of content marketing is publishing relevant content that will attract your target audience. It’s no wonder there is a plethora of information out there about it. So, where should you go to stay up-to-date on this constantly evolving industry? Below are 5 of my favorite inbound marketing blogs that I consistently read. They are full of educational material, and more so, if you want to see how other people are implementing inbound marketing strategies, there’s no better place to see this in action than on these blogs themselves.

1. CoSchedule

In a nutshell, the CoSchedule blog contains “Actionable Content Marketing Tips for Writers, Bloggers, and Marketers.” If you’re a visual person, this is the blog for you. Every single blog has some type of graphic in it, and most of the time it’s an infographic. It breaks the content up nicely and makes it easy to digest. CoSchedule knows visual content is what gets shared, and they’re doing an incredible job creating it. Categories include blogging, writing, growing traffic, productivity and more.

2. Buffer Social

Buffer Social is the blog of the Buffer App, a social media scheduling tool, which is, you guessed it, all about social media. No matter what social media channel you’re using, you’ll find information about it here - everything from when to schedule social messages to hiring a social media manager.

3. SyncShow Manufacturers’ Marketing Blog

I may be a little biased mentioning the SyncShow Manufacturing Blog on this list, but it’s a must-read. It’s full of marketing topics and tips that are specific to manufacturers, but that can also be applied to other industries, so don’t let this dissuade you if you’re not a manufacturer. The entire SyncShow team contributes to the blog, so you’ll get content from the perspective of everyone - from the CEO, Chris Peer, to our Graphic Designer, Allie Gottlieb.

4. HubSpot Blogs

HubSpot knows their target audience, and so have 3 different blogs focused on each segment: Marketing, Sales and Agency. As an Agency Professional, the one I read the most is the Agency blog. But, the blog topics on the Marketing and Sales blogs are relevant as well. Pick the one that aligns best with your position and subscribe to it. I promise your inbox will be filled with information you’ll want to read. Not only will you find marketing tips, but general business tips as well – topics like increasing productivity at the office and business traveling hacks.

5. QuickSprout

Written by Neil Patel, founder of Crazy Egg, Hello Bar and KISSmetrics, the QuickSprout blog focuses on driving more traffic to your website. You’ll find how-to guides, checklists, tips and more that everyone can benefit from reading – whether you’re in the beginning stages of implementing inbound marketing or you’ve been doing it for years. Tip: I find the email subject lines for Neil Patel’s blogs to be really engaging. I always want to click into the email to read the blog because of them. Save these emails in your inbox to get inspiration for your own subject lines.

What am I missing? Let me know what inbound marketing blogs you follow in the comments below.