B2B Digital Marketing Blog | SyncShow

10 Internet Tools We're Thankful For

Written by SyncShow | Tue, Nov 25, 2014 @ 08:07

At SyncShow, we spend a lot of time on the Internet. So, naturally, we have a lot of different tools that we use to maximize our time online and help make our daily job duties simpler. To celebrate Thanksgiving, each SyncShow team member is sharing an Internet tool that they're thankful for. We regularly use all of these tools to help increase our productivity, creativity and organization. What Internet tools are you thankful for? Let us know in the comments below.

10 Internet tools that SyncShow is thankful for:

1. Mantis - issue tracking tool makes web dev projects run smoothly

Jenn: I’m thankful for Mantis, a bug tracking system used in web development projects. As a Project Manager, Mantis helps me to keep track of issues before launching a new website for a client. One of the best parts of this tool is that it is super collaborative and our clients can log in to report any issues they are seeing. The tool is also easy to use and helps make launching websites a more streamlined and productive process. I wouldn’t want to launch a website without it!

2. Google - really, what would we do without it?

Ashley: I’m thankful for Google and the vast knowledge that it provides me. Google connected me with advice during the early days of my daughter's life when I had so many questions. It helps me daily in my work and personal life and gives me the ability to know the answer to things that I would otherwise not know. Google also compares prices for me, tells me the weather, and encourages me to indulge in gossip and fun facts. I use Google to get to links I even know the address to LOL!

3. ColorZilla - simple tool to help with design and branding

Lauren: I am thankful for the ColorZilla browser extension. Using a color dropper, you can pick up any color off of whatever page you are viewing in your browser and save it into your color pallet. It definitely takes the guessing game out of the mix when it comes to replicating colors! 

4. Evernote Web Clipper - save text from the web to your Evernote

Nikki: I’m thankful for the Evernote Web Clipper. If you use Evernote, this is a must-add to your browser extension list. It allows you to clip things straight from the Internet into your Evernote. It even has a cool feature called “Simplified Article” where it will strip all of the extra stuff off the page (ads, side-bar content, etc.) and only clip what’s important - the text. I like to do this over just simply bookmarking a web page because I’m in my Evernote everyday and rarely go through my bookmarked pages.

5. Dashlane - password management software

Chris: I am thankful for Dashlane, a password management software. Dashlane allows me to store hundreds of passwords and saves a ton of time by automatically logging me in to websites. It keeps me organized and secure.

6. Inspect Element - easily access back-end information about a web page

Danielle: I’m thankful for the “Inspect Element” tool. This tool reveals the code behind each element on a web page (such as a paragraph or image). When you right-click on the element, choose “inspect element” from the menu that appears. I mainly use this tool to find out what the size of an image is, because it gives you the exact dimensions in pixels. This is very helpful when creating new images, graphics or calls-to-action for clients.

7. Tagboard - hunt down the best hashtags for social message optimization

Nadine: I’m thankful for TagBoard! Since I spend so much of my day working to determine the best way to communicate my clients’ messages on social media, TagBoard shows me what hashtags are trending. I know I can contribute to conversations on social media in more meaningful ways when I use hashtags that are relevant. Simply visit the site, type in the hashtag you’re looking to use and the site will show you the messages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Google+ that are currently using the hashtag you provided.

8. AdWords Editor - making paid media a little simpler

Jim: I'm thankful for AdWords Editor. When there are hundreds of keyword updates, new campaigns, ad copy updates or a variety of campaign setting updates, AdWords Editor allows me to work offline and make all these changes without anything going live. Just by simply hitting "Post" all of the changes get uploaded into AdWords, after they have been reviewed and approved by me first.

9. BuiltWith - find out what websites are...built with!

Harold: The web tool I am thankful for is BuiltWith. As a developer diagnosing issues for a previously built site, BuiltWith allows me to see the foundational technologies that a site is built on. The site has a vast database of websites that it has crawled. BuiltWith also has extensions/plugins for multiple browsers that allow me to get this information without leaving the site I am working on.

10. FaceTime - connecting working moms everywhere :)

Erin: The web tool that I’m most thankful for is Apple’s FaceTime. I’m a working mom and travel once in a while to meet with clients, attend strategy sessions, etc. When I’m on the road, it’s great to be able to see and interact with my 1 1/2 year old daughter, Harper. She loves being able to ‘see’ Mommy - and it’s definitely a bright spot in my day to get the face-to-face time with her. It’s also great for our out of town family and even out of town client calls when we can’t get together in person regularly.

We hope that everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving! Be on the lookout for some of our team members in the Cleveland Turkey Trot and...Go Browns!